Faster computer processing isn’t the only answer to optimising artificial intelligence (AI). Having the right data that maps relationships to feed AI is paramount, if you are looking to exploit trends such as personalisation, explains Emil Eifrem, CEO of Neo4j.

Companies are investing heavily in AI to get ahead of the curve, seeing it as the secret ingredient to enhanced personalisation and a better customer experience. AI is indeed a powerful tool when it comes to engaging customers, but delivering a personalised content experience isn’t as easy as it sounds.

AI has enormous potential, but it is important to understand it is still very much in its adolescence and still has a way to go before it can grasp social and contextual awareness, for example. AI systems are therefore only as good as the data we feed them to train smart algorithms. AI itself isn’t biased, but any biased deficiencies it is fed will manipulate the results. This is an enormous problem in itself.

Making connections

The issue is that no matter how much bigger or faster the computers you run AI on, the software today doesn’t possess super intelligence. It has no understanding of context. The big problem is that it is almost impossible to get the right data results when one crucial element is missing – that of relationships.

To turn data into actionable insights you need to understand its relationships. In other words, it needs to be connected. If your team is going to succeed in an area such as personalisation you have to be able to leverage these connections and join the dots between the relationships. This is where graph technology comes into its own, providing a cohesive picture of your big data.

