Compare The Cloud looks at why graph databases have enormous application to Internet of Things (IoT). Smart homes will need to run a large number of sensors, networks, devices, cameras, power grids and smart water and thermostats to work, for example. But they will only really be effective if they are linked up together as a connected Internet (network) of many things (devices).
Alex Woodie, Managing Editor of Datanami, says, “One of those key enabling technologies [of IoT] is graph databases.” Tony Baer at Ovum: “Graph technology will allow the Internet of Things to be represented transparently… without the need to force fit into arbitrary relational models.” And, Matt Aslett, Research Director at 451 Research comments: “Graph databases offer the potential to store and analyze data from the IoT”.
An excerpt:
It’s, therefore, a sizeable IoT network, with the Neo4j graph database there to help the Telia team create new connections on the fly and make new APIs out of any that may become desirable. Also, the firm will soon add in AI (artificial intelligence) and Machine Learning, and it says that graph technology is the best way to handle that.
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