In beta, the Jooik platform enables users to discover similar activities in their home city or places they will visit.  Using smart recommendations, powered by Neo4j, users can save favorite activities and Jooik will recommend new activities matching their preferences. The Jooik team acknowledges the support of Neo Technology:
When we started developing the jooik engine, we knew that we didn’t want to create a flat search engine, but rather a smart recommendation engine. We checked out several technologies, and finally came across Neo4j. We liked the Neo technology from the first line of code we created, since anything we wanted to achieve could be done based on plain Java, which is our favorite programming language. But programming languages/technologies can’t usually be judged based on the technology core alone. Even though you can get up to speed with a technology pretty fast, your requirements will grow the same way your application keeps growing, and finally you will end up with some reasonable questions which need to be answered. Having a great technology in place does not answer these questions, but having an active community behind a technology does. With Neo4j we found this “great technology + active community” combination, and became well known members of the Neo forum. We populated our Skype list with some Neo contacts, and finally setup a solid network, enabling us to get quick answers to our questions, so we’ve never been “blocked”.
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