Jim Webber, Chief Scientist, Neo Technology will be presenting a ‘Wavefront’ Tutorial: A Programmatic Introduction to Neo4j at this year’s SplashCon 2012. The workshop’s aims are twofold:to remind attendees of the beneficial affordances provided by thinking and graphs, and to get attendees familiar enough with Neo4j such that they can use it to solve problems in their everyday research efforts. There will therefore be a mixture of theory and accompanying practical sessions to demonstrate the capabilities of graph data and the Neo4j database. Specifically attendees will learn about:
  • NoSQL and Graph Database overview to set the scene for contemporary data models and to place graphs in context.
  • Neo4j Fundamentals and Architecture to show how the notion of mechanical sympathy enables extremely fast queries that can be several orders of magnitude greater than some relational systems.
  • The Neo4j Core API and Indexing to build graphs and name interesting starting point for graph queries.
  • Neo4j Traverser APIs to traverse graphs to discover interesting information goals.
  • Declarative querying with Cypher to show how allow non-programming specialists can still harness Neo4j for productive use with a humane and expressive query language.
