Creating the Communication Graph.
Communication companies are an obvious fit for graphs, as so many of the critical data sets in telecommunications are graphs. From the network graph, to the social graph, to the call center graph, and the master data graph, Telcos worldwide have begun to use graph databases to achieve competitive gain. See how Neo4j can be integrated into your corporation, seamlessly and risk-free.
Neo4j to the rescue for Telenor
Check out Telenor’s case study slides that follow the leading Nordic Telco’s story in choosing a graph database to resolve a mission critical issue within their organization. READ ON
Data visualization is a valuable tool for CSPs, enterprise network managers, and hardware and software providers. Register now and learn how to gain more value from your data assets, to better address key business drivers, and to effectively integrate your OSS/BSS systems in the face of emerging new technologies. REGISTER
Webinar: The Five Graphs of Telecommunications
Join us for a webinar, presented by Philip Rathle, that discusses the five graphs of telecommunications, and how companies like HP, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Telekom and Maaii, are now using graph databases in their everyday business. REGISTER
