Neo4j is an open-source, enterprise-class database with a conventional feature set and a very unconventional data model. It offers support for Java, ACID transactions, and a feature-rich query language. But before you get too comfortable, you have to wrap your mind around its most important feature: Neo4j is a graph database, built precisely to store graphs efficiently and traverse them more performantly than relational, document, or key/value databases ever could.

The most interesting property of Neo4j is its architectural agenda. It wants you to think of the entire world as a graph—as a set of connected information resources. Steeped in the thinking of resource oriented architecture, this NoSQL database wants to change the way you look at your world, and unlock new value in your data as a result.

Tim Berglund is a full-stack generalist and passionate teacher who loves coding, presenting, and working with people. He believes the best developer is one who is well-informed of specifics and can also make deep connections between software development and the broader world. He has recently been exploring non-relational data stores, continuous deployment, and how software architecture should resemble an ant colony.

He will be exploring Connected Data with Neo4j in detail at  the Greater Maryland Software Symposium, July 13-14.

