opens in new tabLondon Meetup: Intro to Graphs
Location: OpenCredo, 5 – 11 Lavington Street, London, SE10NZ, London, United Kingdom Event Info As we have noticed that many of our meetup group members are looking for introductory type information on what graph databases are, how they can be used, what purposes that they serve, we would like to organise a short, two hour meeting (followed by a light lunch) to give you exactly that information. Participation is free but seats are limited. During this 2 hour session we will present, explain and discuss introductory topics that require no prior knowledge on graph databases at all. After the presentation, there will be plenty of time to discuss and network, and share a drink with us if you like. Events on Wed, 30 Jan 2013opens in new tabLondon Talk: CASE STUDY: Using Graph Theory & Graph Databases to understand User Intent
Location: Skills Matter, 116-120 Goswell Road, London EC1V7DP, United Kingdom Event Info Note: please register on the SkillsMatter site for this event as well so that we can guarantee speedy access to the venue when you get there… Title: Using Graph Theory to understand User Intent Subtitle: Graph-based Natural Language Processing applied to real-time Machine Learning Abstract: We are in a Graph Renaissance period. The advent of high-performance free/open-source software combined with inexpensive Cloud computing platforms enable graphs of information to be manipulated and utilised at scales never before seen. While use-cases like mining social and web data with graphs are common-place, their use in Natural Language Processing has largely been overlooked. In this presentation Michael Cutler will describe how TUMRA have used graph-based NLP algorithms as a core component of their upcoming digital marketing product TUMRA Optimize. Presenter: Michael Cutler Bio: Michael is the CTO co-founder of TUMRA, a Data Science startup based in Chiswick, West London. First discovering Hadoop back in 2008, Michael has been following the bleeding edge of ‘Big Data’ technology since before it was called ‘Big Data’ and has applied it to solve real-world problems. Before starting TUMRA, Michael was a senior researcher in the R&D labs for British Sky Broadcasting, inventing new technologies and solutions for everything from Satellite, Video and Network systems through to Web and Mobile-based applications. Website: Twitter: @tumra @cotdpopens in new tabChicago Meetup: Navigating Election data with Neo4j
Location: ThoughtWorks, 200 East Randolph St., 25th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Register EVENT INFO Spending during this year’s presidential election was projected by the Center for Responsive Politics to top $5.8B. Where did the money come from? The Federal Election Commission provides us with detailed contribution information showing the flow of money from individuals, political action committees, and candidates so that we can start to answer that question. We’ll see how to extract a network from the FEC data, load the nodes and edges into Neo4j, then use the Groovy and Java implementations of Gremlin to navigate the graph. We’ll also discuss the possibility of linking up election data with other sources such as Wikipedia, congressional voting records, and corporate board memberships. This link analysis could expose interesting social ties that lead to a predictive model about contribution behavior within particular industries, locations, or interest groups. This work will be open-source to encourage other data scientists and hackers to join the search for interesting connections. SPEAKER BIO Bobby Norton is a programmer and the technical lead of a stealth-mode education startup in Chicago. He has built software for over ten years at places like Lockheed Martin, NASA, ThoughtWorks, and DRW Trading Group. His tools of choice include Java, Clojure, Ruby, Bash, and R. Bobby holds a M.S. in Computer Science from FSU. Events on Thu, 31 Jan 2013opens in new tabAmsterdam Meetup: Discuss some cool graph topics
Location: Delft University of Technology – Room H, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft Register As Peter Neubauer and Michael Hunger are in town, we thought it would be nice to have a meetup the day before FOSDEM – GraphDevRoom We have a number of topics that we could talk about and wanted to know which of those would be interesting for you: Spring Data Neo4j – Object Graph Mapping made easy Neo4j Spatial – handling geographic information in a graph, Geo-APIs, OpenStreetMap Structr CMS – a novel CMS built on top of Neo4j Neo4j in the wild – interesting real-life applications of Neo4j Please state your interest so that we can prepare accordingly.As Peter Neubauer and Michael Hunger are in town, we thought it would be nice to have a meetup the day before FOSDEM – GraphDevRoom We have a number of topics that we could talk about and wanted to know which of those would be interesting for you: Spring Data Neo4j – Object Graph Mapping made easy Neo4j Spatial – handling geographic information in a graph, Geo-APIs, OpenStreetMap Structr CMS – a novel CMS built on top of Neo4j Neo4j in the wild – interesting real-life applications of Neo4j Please state your interest so that we can prepare accordingly. Events on Fri, 01 Feb 2013opens in new tabBrussels Meetup: Discuss some cool graph topics
Location: TBD Register As Peter Neubauer and Michael Hunger are in town, we thought it would be nice to have a meetup the day before FOSDEM – GraphDevRoom We have a number of topics that we could talk about and wanted to know which of those would be interesting for you: Spring Data Neo4j – Object Graph Mapping made easy Neo4j Spatial – handling geographic information in a graph, Geo-APIs, OpenStreetMap Structr CMS – a novel CMS built on top of Neo4j Neo4j in the wild – interesting real-life applications of Neo4j Please state your interest so that we can prepare accordingly. Events on Sat, 02 Feb 2013opens in new tabBrussels Talks @ FOSDEM 2013
Location: ULB Campus Solbosch, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Brussels, Belgium Event Info There are four talks on Neo4j at FOSDEM 2013: 1) An in-depth discussion of the Neo4j HA architecture with Michael Hunger 2) The Linked Data Benchmark Council – LDBC with Peter Neubauer 3) A Neo4j powered social networking and Question & Answer application to enhance scientific communication with Rene Pickhardt 4) Lessons Learned from Building a CMS based on Neo4j with Axel Morgner