Mike Holdsworth, CEO and Founder of AuditBucket, discusses preserving and exploring the business information context with a graph database
Webinar: AuditBucket: Data Auditing with Neo4j and ElasticSearch AuditBucket is a NoSQL data mediation service that builds you both a Neo4j and ElasticSearch datastore while solving a common business requirement – tracking changes to information. Most every application is required to maintain “audit” history of information as it changes in their OLTP. While this is rarely a core competency of any single team or application, it is well suited to being abstracted to a service. Tracking information via AuditBucket creates an explorable graph in Neo4j where meta information can be recorded and explored. AB also writes to ElasticSearch with the same single service call. With your JSON business documents indexed in Neo4j & ElasticSearch, you can look to offer enterprise analytical and search services that off load query functionality from your OLTP systems. AuditBuckets compare capabilities lets you understand how and why tracked documents have changed as events occur in your transaction processing systems. AuditBucket works to preserve the Business Information Context of your JSON documents by proposing the audit of the View rather than the Model in MVC parlance. AuditBucket helps you find what you’re looking for by tracking your business information in to Neo4j for meta exploration and ElasticSearch for content search. Speaker: Mike Holdsworth, CEO and Founder, AuditBucket
Keywords: AuditBucket Graph Databases neo4j