GraphConnect Europe
Emil Eifrem, founder of Neo4j, poses the question, “What links Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Ebay and PayPal?” The answer they connect data! From GraphConnectEurope to press releases and community blog posts , Neo4j blooms this May into a global phenomenon.

Emil Eifrem speaking at GraphConnect Europe
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Strengthen Industry Preparedness by CIO Review
“Graph databases usage in enterprise is expected to grow to a considerable level by 2017 says Forester Research. Ne0 Technology is looking forward to make IT solution providers more aware about the significance of graph databases in critical business challenges including fraud detection, master data management, networking and IT management, identity and access management.”
Using Neo4j Spatial and Mailbox by William Lyon
Neo4j is a graph database that allows for modeling, storing and querying data as a graph. If you haven’t been exposed to graph databases yet it’s worth checking out as many use cases are naturally modeled as a graph.
Neo4j Spatial is a plugin for Neo4j that enables spatial operations: spatial indexing and spatial querying (such as find things within x distance of y or find things within a certain geometry.”