YarcData is holding the contest to showcase the increasing applicability and adoption of graph analytics in solving Big Data problems. The contest is also intended to promote the use and development of RDF and SPARQL (both standards developed by the World Wide Web Consortium) as the industry standard for graph analytics.
Graph databases have a significant role to play in analytic environments, and they can solve problems like relationship discovery that other traditional technologies do not handle easily,” said Philip Howard, Research Director, Bloor Research. “YarcData driving thought leadership in this area will be positive for the overall graph database market, and this contest could help expand the use of RDF and SPARQL as valuable tools for solving Big Data problems.
The grand prize for the first place winner is $70,000. The second place winner will receive $10,000 and the third place winner will receive $5,000. There will also be additional prizes for the other finalists. Contest judges, which will include a combination of Big Data industry analysts, experts from academia and semantic web, and YarcData customers, will review the submissions and select the ten best contestants.  
