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Dev Conference by Neo4j

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Emil Eifrém and Andreas Kollegger Fireside Q&A

Session Track: AI

Session Time:

Session description

Emil Eifrém, CEO and founder of Neo4j, will join Andreas Kollegger to answer attendee questions.


photo of Andreas Kollegger

Andreas Kollegger

GenAI Lead, Neo4j

Andreas is a technological humanist. Starting at NASA, Andreas designed systems from scratch to support science missions. Then in Zambia, he built medical informatics systems to apply technology for social good. Now with Neo4j, he is democratizing graph databases to validate and extend our intuitions about how the world works. Everything is connected.

photo of Emil Eifrem

Emil Eifrem


Emil Eifrem is Neo4j’s Co-Founder and CEO. He sketched what today is known as the property graph model on a flight to Mumbai way back when dinosaurs ruled the earth and has devoted his professional life to building, innovating, and evangelizing graph databases and graph analytics. He is also co-author of the O'Reilly book Graph Databases. Neo4j today helps more than 75 of the Fortune 100, and a community of over hundreds of thousands of practitioners find hidden relationships and patterns across billions of connections deeply, easily, and quickly. Emil plans to change the world with graphs and own Larry's yacht by the end of the decade.