The GraphRAG Manifesto: Unlock Better GenAI Results With Knowledge Graphs | Read Now

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Dev Conference by Neo4j

The Pentagon Papers: GenAI & Neo4j Take on History

Session Track: Graphs

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Session description

Get ready for a journey into one of the most infamous document leaks in history! This session combines the power of GenAI with Neo4j to unravel the Pentagon Papers like never before. Explore hidden connections using LangChain RDF triple extraction, uncover untold stories, and see how cutting-edge technology can bring history to life. Whether you're a history buff, a tech enthusiast, or just curious, this is one presentation you won’t want to miss!

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photo of Tim Eastridge

Tim Eastridge

Founder, Eastridge Analytics

Timothy (Tim) Eastridge is an A.I. consultant passionate about innovation and the integration of knowledge graphs with Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs). Tim's expertise in extracting actionable insights from complex datasets positions him as a leader in transforming data into understandable formats. Tim's innovative solutions led to billions of dollars of suspicious activity reports (SARs) for a major bank related to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), and Tim continues this work as a consultant to the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) continuing to help the team identify, prioritize, and indict fraudsters using a combination of unsupervised machine learning and recommendation systems. Tim's implementations of graph neural networks (GNNs) in the private equity space uncovered alpha and new investment strategies for clients. His mission is to illuminate the hidden connections within data, transforming complex webs of interactions into easily comprehensible formats to deliver previously hidden, actionable insights.