The most current release of Neo4j is 5.22.0

Aura July 2024 (Neo4j 5.22)

23 July 2024

Aura July 2024 (Neo4j 5.22) 


Aura July 2024 (Neo4j 5.22)


  • The default store format for new databases in Enterprise Edition i...

Aura June 2024 (Neo4j 5.21)

28 June 2024

Aura June 2024 (Neo4j 5.21) 


Surface for Developers and Data Scientists

  • Greatly improved scalability of the block format importer, ...

Aura May 2024 (Neo4j 5.20)

1 January 1970

Aura May 2024 (Neo4j 5.20) 


The following core Neo4j features are now available for users in Aura.
  • Language and Graph Model

Aura April 2024 (Neo4j 5.19)

12 April 2024

Aura April 2024 (Neo4j 5.19) 


Surface for Developers and Data Scientists
  • GenAI plugin
    • Support for Vertex AI taskType and ti...

Aura February 2024 (Neo4j 5.17)

1 January 1970

Aura 27 February 2024 (Neo4j 5.17)


Surface for Developers and Data Scientists

  • String normalization function (NORMALIZE) and predic...