The most current release of Neo4j is 5.23.0

Bloom 2.15.0

3 September 2024
This is a new minor release of Neo4j Bloom with the following updates: Numerous bug fixes and enhancements:
  • New Box and Lasso selection tool f...

Bloom 2.14.0

1 August 2024
This is a new minor release of Neo4j Bloom with the following updates:   Numerous bug fixes and performance enhancements, including:
  • Minima...

Bloom 2.13.0

4 July 2024
This is a new minor release of Neo4j Bloom with the following updates:
  • The latest version of Bloom can now be found as a downloadable package on ...

Bloom 2.12.0

30 April 2024
This is a new minor release of Neo4j Bloom with the following updates:
  • Bloom is now integrated into a new shared application framework for Neo4j ...

Bloom 2.11.0

22 November 2023
This is a new minor release of Neo4j Bloom with the following updates:
  • New Search capabilities, including:
  • Improved graph pattern search
  • Ab...

Bloom 2.10.0

20 September 2023
This is a minor release of Neo4j Bloom with the following new features:
  • Added search pattern support to the new, experimental search component
  • ...

Bloom 2.9.0

19 July 2023
This is a new minor release of Bloom which includes the following updates:
  • Enhanced the new, experimental search component with property value su...

Bloom 2.8.1

31 May 2023
This is a patch release for Neo4j Bloom, with a fix for the following important issue:
  • Unable to switch database when Bloom is running in Neo4j D...

Bloom 2.7.1

17 April 2023
This is a patch release that fixes two issues:
  • Fix perspective issues when duplicating an existing DB from a dump file
  • Fix a bug where the GDS...

Bloom 2.8.0

24 May 2023
This is a new minor release of Bloom that introduces many new styling options for node and relationship captions! In additions to this, we have:

Bloom 2.7.0

8 March 2023
This is a Bloom minor release with the following new features:
  • Slicer is now available as a regular feature (removed from experimental drawer), a...

Bloom 2.6.1

17 January 2023
This is a patch release of Neo4j Bloom that contains fixes for the following bugs:
  • Apply scene action when we click an unselected node
  • Fixed a...

Bloom 2.6.0

9 January 2023
This is a new minor release of Bloom that introduces the following new features/changes:
  • Added three new GDS algorithms
  • Added more options to t...

Bloom 2.5.1

27 October 2022
This is a patch release that fixes three bugs:
  • Unable to login with SSO in some circumstances
  • Browser refresh forces user logout on Windows
  • ...

Bloom 2.5.0

18 October 2022
This is a minor release that introduces the following new features:
  • Customize the order in which scene actions are listed
  • Added search filteri...

Bloom 2.4.1

7 October 2022
This is a minor release of Bloom with the following changes:
  • Introducing full compatibility with Neo4j 5

Bloom 2.4.0

24 August 2022
This is a minor release of Bloom with the following changes:
  • Note that this and future releases of Bloom are no longer compatible with Neo4j 3.x ...

Bloom 2.3.1

5 July 2022
This is a patch release with fixes for the following issues:
  • Fixed a bug where the orientation setting in the GDS panel had no effect
  • Fixed an...

Bloom 2.3.0

20 June 2022
This is a minor release of Neo4j Bloom with the following new features:
  • A Graph Data Science panel that makes it possible to run GDSL algorithms ...

Bloom 2.2.0

20 April 2022
This is a new minor release of Neo4j Bloom, adding two new features:
  • Scene actions is a way to define custom Cypher queries that can be run from ...

Bloom 2.1.1

1 March 2022
This is a patch release fixing the following bugs:
  • Size of nodes when styling the node size with a styling rule was reversed
  • Fix styling of er...

Bloom 2.1.0

22 February 2022
New features:
  • Added full compatibility with Neo4j date and time types
  • Improved ability to filter and apply rule-based styling to date/time type...

Bloom 2.0.0

13 December 2021
The is a new major release of Bloom, introducing the concept of saving and sharing scenes between users! Bloom users can now publish the results of th...

Bloom 1.9.1

24 November 2021
This is a patch release introducing:
  • support for the built-in SSO features in Neo4j 4.4
  • a stability improvement in the database connection

Bloom 1.9.0

14 October 2021
This is a minor release of Bloom with these new features:
  • Node tooltips for faster at-a-glance information by hovering a node
  • Card list usabil...