Release Date: 30 January 2020
Compatibility Warning: Graph algorithms is only compatible with Neo4j 3.5.9 and above. If you cannot update your Neo4j installation, the most recent compatible release for Neo4j 3.5.8 is

New Features

  • Improved Cypher Projections: We have added multiple features to Cypher projections to align them better with graph loader functionality
    • Support for multiple relationship types and properties
    • Node properties our initialized from the RETURN statement if no nodeProperties are specified


  • algo.louvain and algo.beta.louvain now throw errors when a user tries apply Louvain to a directed, preloaded graph; Louvain should only run on undirected graphs (loaded with `direction: BOTH`).
  • Weakly Connected Components/UnionFind: Write optimization for writing back properties when seeds are used; unchanged seed properties will not be overwritten
  • Node Similarity: Improved logging for algorithm progress (available in the debug logs), and added termination checking to allow users to stop node similarity while it is running.

Bug fixes

  • Node Similarity: Fixed a bug where the streaming results returned incorrect node IDs
  • Louvain: Fixed a bug where specifying a seed property could cause an IllegalArgumentException
  • MemRec: Fixed an assertion error when estimating memory requirements for a fictitious graph (eg. by specifying the number of nodes and relationships)