The GraphRAG Manifesto: Unlock Better GenAI Results With Knowledge Graphs | Read Now

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Get started with Neo4j Sandbox
while your coffee is still brewing

Neo4j is a native graph database, purpose-built to leverage data relationships and enable richer, more intelligent applications

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Experience Neo4j in a click with the Sandbox

Pick a project and get started in less than 60 seconds. No download required.

Explore all the ways to get started with Neo4j

Learn and explore, develop applications or deploy into production with these options.

Neo4j Sandbox

For Learning & Exploring

Launch Sandbox
  • Free
  • Pre-built datasets and guides for learning and exploration

Neo4j Desktop

For Local Development

Download Now
  • Free
  • Development UI on a local machine. One-Click app & plugin installs

Neo4j AuraDB

For Development & Production

Get AuraDB Free
  • Free
  • Fully managed, highly available and secure cloud service

Neo4j Server

For Development & Production

Download Now
  • Free & Commercial Licenses
  • Self-hosted, fully featured Neo4j on your chosen infrastructure