055 Analyzing Spammers in Twitter User Network – NODES2022 – Mananai Saengsuwan

21 Nov, 2022

Spammers plague Twitter feeds and often bother users, at least in my country, Thailand. I’ll demonstrate how to detect spam and the users who generate them.
Once spammers are identified, network algorithms can analyze them to answer a few more questions. First, do spammers work alone or work together? Do spammers form groups? Can we find more spammers that were not initially detected?

Speakers: Mananai Saengsuwan
Format: Lighting Talk 10-15 min
Level: Beginner
Topics: #GraphDataScience, #Analytics, #Cypher, #General, #Beginner
Region: APAC
Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/055%20Analyzing%20Spammers%20in%20Twitter%20User%20Network%20-%20NODES2022%20APAC%20Beginner%208%20-%20Mananai%20Saengsuwan.pdf

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