081 User Change Modeling in Graph Applications – NODES2022 – Elena Kohlwey

21 Nov, 2022

– a steadily-growing knowledge graph;
– an application where a user continually modifies a subgraph to generate insights for his project; and
– the user needs to be able to save changes for review at a later stage;

How do you model user changes?

In SQL, you’d probably create a new table with a composite primary key to show the changes a user (pk 1) has done to which entity (pk2), and what those changes are. However, in a graph database, you have plenty of options for doing this, all of which have pros and cons in terms of database setup, code complexity, and query performance. In this talk, we’ll lay out the problem setup and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different modeling options.

Speakers: Elena Kohlwey
Format: Full Session 30-45 min
Level: Advanced
Topics: #KnowledgeGraph, #Database, #General, #Advanced
Region: EMEA
Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/081%20User%20Change%20Modeling%20in%20Graph%20Applications%20-%20NODES2022%20EMEA%20Advanced%203%20-%20Elena%20Kohlwey.pdf

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