082 Link Prediction With Graph Data Science at Scale – NODES2022 – Florentin Dörre

21 Nov, 2022

Predicting links in a graph is a common use, for example, to predict future friends. However, for bigger graphs, it is not computationally feasible to consider every node pair to find the best. In this talk, we will demonstrate how to use Neo4j Graph Data Science to predict links on larger graphs. Speakers: Florentin Dörre Format: Lighting Talk 10-15 min Level: Beginner Topics: #GraphDataScience, #Performance, #General, #Beginner Region: EMEA Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/082%20Link%20Prediction%20With%20Graph%20Data%20Science%20at%20Scale%20-%20NODES2022%20EMEA%20Beginner%205%20-%20Florentin%20Do%CC%88rre.pdf Visit https://neo4j.com/nodes-2022 learn more at https://neo4j.com/developer/get-started and engage at https://community.neo4j.com

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