098 RDBMS to Neo4j Real Time Data Sync with Debezium and Kafka – NODES2022 – Nicolas Mervaillie, Alf

21 Nov, 2022

In most non-trivial projects, Neo4j (or any other database) is introduced gradually into the architecture, along with other existing data stores.
This can be done in many different ways: with ETL tools, scripting, custom development, etc. However, real-time data replication can be a challenge.
Debezium is a modern, distributed open source change data capture platform that streams database changes to keep the systems in sync.
During this session, we'll introduce the use of Debezium and Kafka to synchronize data from an RDBMS to Neo4j. The pros, cons, and limitations of this approach will be discussed.

Speakers: Nicolas Mervaillie, Alfredo Rubin
Format: Lighting Talk 10-15 min
Level: Beginner
Topics: #BestPractices, #General, #Beginner
Region: EMEA
Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/098%20RDBMS%20to%20Neo4j%20Real%20Time%20Data%20Sync%20with%20Debezium%20and%20Kafka%20-%20NODES2022%20-%20EMEA%20Beginner%2011%20-%20Nicolas%20Mervaillie%2C%20Alfredo%20Rubin.pdf

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