1 – The World Chooses Masks We Choose the Knowledge Graph to Fight Covid

08 Jul, 2021

Back in March 2020, we were all uncertain about what was going to happen next with the Covid-19 pandemic. There was a choice to wear the mask and sit at home, or just pull up your socks and build a knowledge graph that could possibly save us from the pandemic. We chose the latter.

Shyam Pratap Singh
Associate Consultant, Al Elm Information Security Company, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

I am a software engineer by passion not by the job. I am always curious and try to learn new things. In my 7 year experience, I have worked on Blockchain, full-stack, and now exploring data science and Neo4j graph. I am fascinated by neo4j graph and in my free time, i like to build and play with the graph. I keep publishing medium articles related to graphs, data science, and Blockchain. You can read it here.

Syed Salman Alam
Associate Technical Consultant, Elm Information Security

Electronics Hardware Engineer with 8 years of professional experience in complete life cycle of IoT and electronics product development, gathering requirements, building POCs and MVP and taking it to production grade products. Recently more focusing on wireless connection of IoT smart devices and its application. Currently working as an Associate technical consultant in Elm Information Security Company in Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Arshad Ali Khan
Senior Data Scientist, ELM Saudi Arabia

I am a Senior Data Scientist, at ELM, based in Riyad Saudi Arabia. I take immense interest in AI and ML technologies particularly AI in healthcare, graph data science, data and predictive analytics, and use cases that involve NLP and Computer Vision application. I love to be part of research and innovation projects which impact everyday life and taking part in the NODES21 talk reflects that interest; it has provided an opportunity to touch base with the community and share our findings and experiences.

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