Speaker: Véronique Gendner
Link with more Resources and Details: http://www.e-tissage.net/nodes2020-using-cypher-to-extend-a-graph-based-documentation/
At first, TheBrain (thebrain.com) can be thought of as a digital document management tool, that allows for a graph structure organization of documents, urls and notes. No more wondering “which directory does it make more sense to put this doc in”. You can put it in as many categories you like ! Because it’s based on a graph structure, we’ll see that it also helps elaborate your thoughts and understanding of a subject.
Automatic processing of the resulting database is limited though. In this talk I will show how I’m importing TheBrain DB into Neo4j, to automatically extract selected lists or tables and take full advantage of the graph structure, to meet different purposes.
Along the way I will expose some principles of my conception of information design, and a few thoughts about why I think digital tools are a huge epistemological breakthrough, because they make graph representation easy.
*Véronique Gendner*
Was born in French, learned English because had no idea of what job I wanted to do and thought it would be useful anyway. Also learned Chinese, because it was fun to make sense of those mysterious characters.
Then Natural Language Processing as a way to connect the previous two to the computers I’d been playing with since aged 10. (Too) many years trying to write a PhD, when actually still playing with computers, doing a lot of data processing (UNIX scripts, makefiles, regexp). 10 years exploring the corporate world: more data processing (advanced Excel / VBA) and starting to build my way of doing Information Design.
Recently spent 5 years back in the research field (Constances.fr), building web applications for data processing and information display (MySQL, php, javascript, jQuery, css, bootstrap).
Been interested in graphs for at least 12 years and started seriously using Neo4j, Bloom, Linkurious… at the beginning of 2020.
Personal research about Personal Information System (PIM) : tools (TheBrain, Evernote, Outlook, TickTick, Inoreader, Prezi) and methodologies.
As of September 2020, super excited to start a one year mission at the French National Institute of Geographical Information (IGN), to work on geolocalized data, with taxonomies and labeled property graphs (choucas.ign.fr/)