6 – Building Executable Microservice Process Flows Using a Cypher Compiler

20 Jul, 2021

What if your architecture diagram was also your executable artifact and process documentation?

Srivathsava Rangarajan
Principal Backend Architect, Chowbus

Sri is the Principal Backend Architect at Chowbus, Inc. – an ethnic food delivery startup, and an avid data nerd. He has experience with diverse databases and the wrangling of unstructured data for critical path use-cases. He is also *that guy* who plies the DBA regularly with food and beverage to maintain skunkworks superuser access to the database at all times. When he isn’t on a soapbox proselytizing the right tool for the right job, he is worrying about portfolio exposure and/or evangelizing better understanding of data structures, domains and models to ultimately foster sustainable design and architecture in order to continually find uninterrupted sleep every night.

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