6 – The Apiax RegTech Knowledge Graph

02 Aug, 2021

The Apiax RegTech Knowledge Graph aims to become the real-time subject matter assistant for legal experts. In our talk we'll show why a graph database, Neo4j specifically, allows us to model, update, and maintain our data in a way we think is superior to relational or document-oriented databases.

Peter Bouda
Data Engineer, Apiax

Creative IT professional with focus on rapid development strategies based on agile methods. Creates open environments for working, learning and sharing in teams. Delivers high-quality products with test-driven approaches and user metrics. Enjoys solving complex problems and innovating both on business strategies and product development. Participates in open source communities and likes to write about technology. The rest is LEGO.

Gonçalo Silva
Product Owner, Apiax

My name is Gonçalo and I am a Product Owner for Apiax. I am an enthusiastic person and a team player, fearless about learning new technologies. I graduated from the University of Lisbon in 2015 with a Master's Degree in Computer Science. I love to solve new challenges and proof that we can do things differently.

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