All About Neo4j Spatial (Neo4j Online Meetup #44)

06 Dec, 2018

Neo4j 3.4 delivered some powerful new spatial and temporal features for modeling and querying graphs that include location and date-time elements. In this talk we will show you how these capabilities can be used to build web application with interactive maps that allow intuitive querying of spatial and temporal graphs. To really turbo-charge your application we’ll show you how to import data from the single biggest spatial graph ever, the OpenStreetMap graph, as well as how to extend the capabilities of Neo4j from mere point locations to polygon searches. —————————– ABOUT THE SPEAKER —————————– Craig Taverner Team Lead, Neo4j Spatial and Neo4j Cypher Craig is the team lead for Neo4j Cypher and product lead for Spatial. He has been using Neo4j since 2009, first as a customer building mobile telecommunications analysis tools, and as a community member creating the ‘Neo4j Spatial’ GIS modeling library. Then in 2014 he joined the Product Engineering team to work full time on Cypher and Spatial in Neo4j. —————————– ONLINE DISCUSSIONS —————————– We’ll be taking questions live during the session, but if you have any questions before or after be sure to post them in the project’s thread in the Neo4j Community Site ( —————————– TIME —————————– 09:00 PST (UTC – 8 hours) 12:00 EST (UTC – 5 hours) 17:00 UTC 18:00 BST 19:00 CEST (UTC + 2 hours) —————————————————————————————- WANT TO BE FEATURED IN OUR NEXT NEO4J ONLINE MEETUP? —————————————————————————————- We select talks from our Neo4j Community site! To submit your talk, post in in the #projects (if including a link to github or website) or #content (if linking to a blog post, slideshow, video, or article) categories. ————————————————————————- VOTE FOR THE PRESENTATIONS YOU’D LIKE TO SEE! ————————————————————————- ‘VOTE’ for the projects and content you’d like to see! Browse the the projects and content categories in our community site and ‘heart’ the ones you’re interested in seeing! #GraphDatabases #Neo4j

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