Content-Based Recommendations using Knowledge Graphs (Neo4j Online Meetup #59)

15 Apr, 2019

In this online meetup, we will build a recommender system that automatically suggest
resources of knowledge relevant to a user question on the Neo4j Community Forum.

We'll first define what a Knowledge Graph is and how to create it from multiple data silos
such as the Neo4j blog, existing questions and answers, Youtube videos as well as blogs from
prominent Neo4j pioneers.

Then, by analysing the content of a new question on the Community Forum, we'll go over
the usage of the Knowledge Graph to make the best recommendations for further articles or videos
to look at in order to solve user issues in an automated and faster manner.

We'll cover topics such as :
- Knowledge Graphs
- Natural Language Processing
- Deep Learning
- Graph Algorithms


Christophe Willemsen is CTO at GraphAware, the world's #1 Neo4j consultancy.

Since almost 5 years, he has been training, developing and consulting on
Neo4j Enterprise Projects at customers all around the globe.

Over the years, he has gained expertise in Relevant Search, Recommender Systems, Knowledge Graphs
as well as bringing Graph-Based Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning platforms to production.

He is now focusing on the development of GraphAware's Hume, a Collaborative Knowledge Graphs platform.

We'll be taking questions live during the session, but if you have any questions before or after be sure to post them in the project's thread in the Neo4j Community Site (

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