Exploring the (Neo4j) Community Graph with Michael Hunger – Live Stream

30 Sep, 2020

The Neo4j community community is large and active in many different places - StackOverflow, Twitter, GitHub, Slack etc.

To get a full picture of what's happening where and who is active in which projects or areas we are pulling all the activity into a large knowledge graph that we call our "community graph".

Let's see how we get there and what we can learn from the data inside. Michael also shows you how to create your own for your own communities.

Bring your questions and ideas.

code & generators: https://github.com/community-graph

Graphql API: https://blog.grandstack.io/graphql-apis-for-developer-communities-64ec1b4c0e18
trending content: https://hackernoon.com/building-trending-activity-feeds-using-graphql-and-neo4j-e62ee790238e
activities: http://twin4j.s3.amazonaws.com/twin4j.html

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