Monitoring Neo4j with Halin (Neo4j Online Meetup #46)

04 Jan, 2019

Neo4j exposes a rich set of abilities to see what the database is doing at any given time, and help users and administrators tune & improve the system. Up until recently though, these metrics have been hard to work with in one place. Halin is a simple application that can be used to monitor running Neo4j instances, and identify problems and opportunities to speed up database operations. This session will be of interest to those who administer Neo4j or who want to learn more about the internals of how Neo4j manages resources. In this session you’ll learn: – How to generate a diagnostic package about your Neo4j installation, and use it to find common problems for performance and configuration – How to track what your query workload is doing to your system, in the aid of improving your system performance – How Neo4j exposes internal JMX details about the database and the operating system to help you tune the system – When to use external logging / monitoring systems – How to use Halin as part of Neo4j Desktop —————————– ABOUT THE SPEAKER —————————– M. David Allen, Neo4j Partner Solution Architect M. David Allen is a technologist who loves to learn and to figure out how to do things that haven’t been done before. At Neo4j, he is a Partner Solution architect working with Neo4j’s strategic partners, in particular cloud computing platforms and Hadoop/Spark partners. Prior to Neo4j, he held various roles in consulting and government, full stack software development, and a stint as CTO of a technology startup. Outside of work you’d usually find him playing guitar or cycling. I love meeting new people, and have a very keen interest in language and culture and love to find common ground with other people through travel and music. —————————– ONLINE DISCUSSIONS —————————– We’ll be taking questions live during the session, but if you have any questions before or after be sure to post them in the project’s thread in the Neo4j Community Site ( —————————– TIME —————————– 08:30 PST (UTC – 8 hours) 11:30 EST (UTC – 5 hours) 16:30 UTC 16:30 GMT (UTC + 00 hours) 17:30 CET (UTC + 1 hours) —————————————————————————————- WANT TO BE FEATURED IN OUR NEXT NEO4J ONLINE MEETUP? —————————————————————————————- We select talks from our Neo4j Community site! To submit your talk, post in in the #projects (if including a link to github or website) or #content (if linking to a blog post, slideshow, video, or article) categories. ————————————————————————- VOTE FOR THE PRESENTATIONS YOU’D LIKE TO SEE! ————————————————————————- ‘VOTE’ for the projects and content you’d like to see! Browse the projects and content categories in our community site and ‘heart’ the ones you’re interested in seeing! Have a suggestion or request for a certain talk? Email us at

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