The Lean-In Moment: 5-Minute Interview with Paul Westcott

15 Oct, 2020

“GraphTour is something that allows us to think differently. We have one-to-one sessions and we’re able to collaborate, but it’s nice to come to something like this and see other people and how they’re using graph technology,” said Paul Westcott, Product Director at Dun & Bradstreet.

If company A owns company B and company B owns company C which in turn owns company A, that is a loop, and it is illegal. But in a dataset with 350 million companies, how do you find those patterns? By putting their massive dataset into the Neo4j graph database, Dun & Bradstreet empowers financial services customers to rapidly query the data and surface connections in less than a minute.

In this week’s five-minute interview (conducted at GraphTour NYC 2019), we speak with Paul Westcott about how Dun & Bradstreet uses Neo4j.

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