Topic Extraction with MeaningCloud and Graphileon (Neo4j Online Meetup #47)

11 Jan, 2019

Topic extraction is very often a crucial step in Natural Language Processing. It results in lists of entities, concepts, phrases, numbers that often are the input for further processes, used for Competitive Intelligence, Social Media Analysis and Search and Content Recommendation. The items that are extracted are very diverse. Often they are also densely connected. These characteristics are in the sweet spot of graph databases, and more precisely in graph databases that use a property graph model, because these offer the possibility to add other that results from post-processing, like similarity coefficients, sentiment scores and user-ratings. During the meetup , Tom Zeppenfeldt will illustrate how the Graphileon platform can be used to connect various webservices ([NewsApi]( , [Lateral Article Extractor]( and [MeaningCloud](tps:// ) to process articles and use Neo4j’s Cypher and graph algorithms to find similarities. —————————– ABOUT THE SPEAKER —————————– Tom Zeppenfeldt is founder of Graphileon, supplier of a graph-based application development platform. After a career in international development, a sector in which information requirements change rapidly, he started developing tools that allowed non-developers to explore data sets and build flexible applications. —————————– ONLINE DISCUSSIONS —————————– We’ll be taking questions live during the session, but if you have any questions before or after be sure to post them in the project’s thread in the Neo4j Community Site ( —————————– TIME —————————– 08:00 PST (UTC – 8 hours) 11:00 EST (UTC – 5 hours) 16:00 UTC 16:00 GMT (UTC + 00 hours) 17:00 CET (UTC + 1 hours) —————————————————————————————- WANT TO BE FEATURED IN OUR NEXT NEO4J ONLINE MEETUP? —————————————————————————————- We select talks from our Neo4j Community site! To submit your talk, post in in the #projects (if including a link to github or website) or #content (if linking to a blog post, slideshow, video, or article) categories. ————————————————————————- VOTE FOR THE PRESENTATIONS YOU’D LIKE TO SEE! ————————————————————————- ‘VOTE’ for the projects and content you’d like to see! Browse the projects and content categories in our community site and ‘heart’ the ones you’re interested in seeing! Have a suggestion or request for a certain talk? Email us at

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