Neo4j 3.0 Explained in Just 5 Minutes

Director of Developer Relations @ Neo4j
1 min read

If a picture can speak 1,000 words, a five-minute video can speak 8,991,000 words (1,000 * 29.97 * 60 * 5). That’s powerful!
In this short video, we review the key features of Neo4j 3.0. As the first release in the 3.x series, Neo4j 3.0 is based on a completely redesigned architecture and a commitment to offer the world’s most scalable graph database, greater developer productivity and a wide range of deployment choices.
Want more details? Read the announcement blog post. And to stay up to date on the latest Neo4j videos, subscribe to the Neo4j YouTube Channel.
Ready to take Neo4j for a spin? Click below to download Neo4j 3.0 and bring the power of massive graphs to your next application or project.