Join Us at GraphHack 2018: Neo4j Buzzword Bingo Hackathon

Neo4j Program Manager, Community Development & Enablement
4 min read

GraphConnect is almost here, which means it’s time for our annual opens in new tabGraphHack Hackathon!
Join other graph hackers for a fun day of building applications featuring Neo4j’s great integrations with other popular technologies (a.k.a. buzzwords). This year’s event will be hosted at opens in new tabthe Stack Overflow office (28th floor) in New York City all day on Saturday, September 22nd.
All Your GraphHack Questions Answered
Do I need a GraphConnect ticket to attend?
Nope. While the GraphHack is always tied to opens in new tabGraphConnect, you don’t need a ticket to attend. We want as many people from the opens in new tabNeo4j community (veterans or newbies) to be able to attend.Note that you must present a picture ID to enter the building.
What’s this year’s theme?
The topic for this year’s event is Buzzword Bingo.This year we thought it would be fun to highlight many of the useful opens in new tabNeo4j integrations with other technologies in a “Buzzword Bingo” format. This means that teams will be building applications using Neo4j and other technologies listed on their Bingo cards.
Don’t worry, our Bingo rules are very flexible – a valid submission can use any four technologies listed on the card.
(this card is only an example)
Will there be prizes?
Yes, totally! This year’s prizes include:- Oculus Rifts
- GoPros
- Bose SoundLink Color Bluetooth Speakers
- And more!
What’s the full agenda for the hackathon?
Here’s a quick breakdown of the GraphHack schedule:- 9:00-10:00 a.m. – Optional Neo4j Workshops (includes breakfast; details)
- 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. – GraphHack! (includes lunch)
- 10:00-10:30 a.m. – Form hacking teams
- 10:30-11:00 a.m. – Presentation / kickoff
- 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. – Hacking
- 3:00-4:00 p.m. – Presentations
- 4:00 p.m. – GraphHack cocktail hour (because you deserve it!)
What if I’m new to Neo4j and graph databases?
If you’re not currently a graph hacker or want to learn more (or brush up on old skills), then come early for a hands-on workshop with an intro to opens in new tabNeo4j and an overview of many of the popular “buzzwords” (i.e., Neo4j integrations) featured at the hackathon.The optional workshops happening from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. include:
- Intro to Neo4j: New to opens in new tabgraph databases and Neo4j? Start here. This workshop will start with an overview of the property graph data model, graph thinking, an introduction to querying Neo4j using opens in new tabCypher and the Neo4j Browser. This workshop will show how to use the Neo4j Sandbox to work with existing datasets and load your own data.
- Intermediate Neo4j: For those who have some basic experience with Neo4j, this workshop will focus on how to use the Neo4j drivers to build an application using Cypher, and it will cover more advanced data import techniques like loading from web APIs and using the opens in new tabAPOC library.
- Full-Stack Development with GRANDstack: Learn how to build modern web applications backed by Neo4j using GraphQL, React and Apollo (i.e., the opens in new tabGRANDstack).
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Neo4j: Learn how to apply NLP techniques to enrich the graph model and find insights within large text-based datasets.
- Building Graph Apps to Run on Neo4j Desktop: Part of the opens in new tabGraph Platform, Graph Apps run directly in Neo4j Desktop and leverage components specifically designed for building graph applications.
- Spatial Neo4j: Learn how to take advantage of geospatial functionality in Neo4j. This workshop will cover using spatial features with Cypher and how to use OpenStreetMap data for tasks like routing.
- Data Visualization with yFiles: Visualize and work with graph data using the opens in new tabyFiles data visualization tool from yWorks. Learn how to build interactive graph applications and visually explore your data.
- GPU Visual Analytics Hands-On with Graphistry Join Graphistry’s CEO on combining GPU visual technology with Neo4j and Notebooks, and hear what is coming with GoAi GPU startups.
What are the categories for winning?
Judges will award prizes to winners in the following categories:- Most complete application
- Best use of Cypher
- Most buzzwords used
- Best fully functional application
What are the other rules for the GraphHack?
Here are just a few other rules to keep in mind:- You must join a team. (It’s okay to come alone, meet new friends, etc.)
- You must present at the end of the day for a chance to win.
- Please include a slide or diagram that shows the different “buzzwords” (integrations) your team used.
- A valid submission should use any combination of four technologies listed on their Bingo card.
- You must register your team on the opens in new tabHackDash board so we can keep track of your team members and progress during the hackathon. Be sure to tell us what technology buzzwords you are using in your project description.
Anything else to keep in mind?
You will need a laptop and power cord. We also suggest that you already opens in new tabhave Neo4j installed. If you’re not familiar with Neo4j, then definitely attend one of the 9:00 a.m. workshops!opens in new tabDownload Neo4j or try out the (free) hosted opens in new tabNeo4j Sandbox suitable for development.
One last thing: Guests will need a photo ID to enter the building!
GraphHack 2018 Partners
The GraphHack 2018 is in partnership with our friends at:
- opens in new tabNeo4j NYC
- opens in new tabReact NYC
- opens in new tabWiMLDS NYC
- opens in new tabPyLadies NYC
- opens in new tabKubernetes NYC
- opens in new tabGoogle Developers BX
- opens in new tabGraphQL NYC
- opens in new tabJS NYC
- opens in new tabByte Academy
- opens in new tabGraphistry
- opens in new tab500 Tech
- edchain
- opens in new tabStack Overflow
- opens in new tabLinode
- opens in new tabGraphAware
- opens in new tabyWorks
Logistics & Details:
Date & Time:
Saturday, September 22nd, 2018
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT
Stack Overflow
110 William Street
28th Floor
New York, NY 10038
United States
Click below to RSVP on Eventbrite – see you there?
Registration Closed