What Advice Do *You* Have for a First-Time GraphConnect Presenter? [Submit Your Tips & Tricks]

Product Marketing Manager, Neo4j
2 min read

Calling all conference speakers (and seasoned audience members)!
In case you missed the news, we recently opened up the Call for Papers (CFP) for GraphConnect 2018. In our effort to make all presenters feel welcome and to help them reach their full potential, we want to put together a list of helpful tips and tricks for prospective speakers.
But, we need your help!
What Makes a Conference Presentation Great?
We want to hear from you: What are some things that make talks GREAT? What are some of your best practices to make a proposal stand out from the crowd?
Even if you’re not a jedi-level presenter but just a veteran attendee of tech conferences and you’ve never presented, we still would love to know:
- What makes a speaker more engaging?
- What have past presenters done that made your experience more memorable or fun?
- What would like you like more speakers to do in their presentations that they aren’t (mostly) doing now?
Tell Us What You Think and We’ll Share the Best Ideas
Think you know what makes a presentation great?
Let us know on Twitter by tweeting to @GraphConnect or fill out this handy Google form below.
We’ll collect ideas until next Thursday (June 14th) and then we’ll publish the best ideas – as many as we can – next Friday (June 15th).
We’re excited to hear your ideas and share them with future GraphConnect speakers and the rest of the Neo4j community. Check back for the final list next week!
Submit your presentation idea to the GraphConnect 2018 CFP before July 1st – and we hope to see you on the stage this autumn in New York City!