Simplifying Data Visualization: 5-Minute Interview with Varun Bhandary

“I’ve been working about 10 years in data visualization engineering and the analytic space. There have been so many occasions when I’ve thought, ‘There should be an easier way of doing this.’ It turns out that most of the time those problems were graph problems,” said Varun Bhandary, solutions architect at Cognizant.

In this week’s five-minute interview (conducted at GraphTour), Varun Bhandary explains how he came to see complex problems in data visualization engineering as graph problems and how he found Neo4j.

How did you first get involved with Neo4j?

That is quite interesting actually. I was working on a specific project and trying to solve a specific problem. It was actually quite a hierarchical problem and I was trying to see what was the best way of doing it. So I googled a little, I found GraphX, I found a few other solutions and then found that there was something called Neo4j.

I researched it a bit and there was a lot of information available. I downloaded a book that gave a really good introduction to Neo4j and how the founder built the product. So, that’s how I found out about Neo4j .

Varun Bhandary

What drew you to graph solutions?

I’ve been working about 10 years in data visualization engineering and the analytic space. There have been so many occasions when I’ve thought, “There should be an easier way of doing this. Why is this so difficult?” It turns out that most of the time those problems were graphy problems. That is what excites me.

Making it easier is something that I am really looking forward to. It just opens up that technology to a lot more people and not just developers.

What brought you to GraphTour?

I wanted to meet others who were using Neo4j. I wanted to see the use cases, and I wanted to understand the next steps. It was a really good opportunity.

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