From the Neo4j Community: October 2014

With so many graphtastic things happening during October (GraphConnect, anyone?) there was lots of activity from our amazing community. Below are just a few of the cool things they were working on. If you have an awesome Neo4j contribution you want to share, be sure to add #Neo4j when you tweet about it!

Blog Posts

Switching from MongoDB to Neo4j — Nick Manning

Deep Dive on Fulltext Indexing with Neo4j — Stefan Armbruster

Using Graphs to Uncover Insider Trading Schemes — Linkurious

Connect Your Data Better with Neo4j — Rick Grehan

Fraud Detection: Uncovering Connections with Graph Databases — Philip Rathle

Flexible Neo4j Batch Import with Groovy — Michael Hunger 

Anti money laundering (AML): the network graph analytics approach — Scott Mongeau

How Graphs Revolutionize Identity and Access Management — Rik Van Bruggen 

HR Analytics and Graphs: Job Recommendations — Linkurious

Project Releases

Neo4j.rb 3.0! — Chriss Grigg, Brian Underwood, Andreas Ronge

Release of Graphgen —  Christophe Willemsen

Beer Recommendations with User Based Collaborative Filtering — Michael Lam

Graphnote — Team Graphnote (Rails Rumble hackathon)

Ebola Twitter Analysis — Swainjo 

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