From the Neo4j Community: March 2016

Editorial Assistant, Neo4j
4 min read

If you would like to see your post featured in May’s “From the Community” blog post, follow us on Twitter and use the #Neo4j hashtag for your chance to get picked.
Here are last month’s top picks:
Articles and Blog Posts
- Neo4j: Specific relationship vs Generic relationship + property, by Mark Needham
- Neo4j JDBC Driver 3.x: Bolt it with LARUS! , by Olimpia Ute Genghini
- Neo4j Import with R, by Brock Tibert
- Neo4j: how to use neo4j jdbc driver in Java
- Introducing GraphFrames, by Joseph Bradley, Tim Hunter, Ankur Dave and Xiangrui Meng
- Visualizing the network of Hillary Clinton’s emails by Linkurious
- Could graph databases help you get more out of your data?, by Minda Zetlin
- Brexit on Twitter — First Impressions, by John Swain
- Neo4j Site Crawler by ScrumBucket
- @SXSW and #SXSW Twitter Analysis by GraphStory
- Takeaway from the 2016 Neo4j GraphDays: Chicago Conference, by Brandon Barnett
- Experimenting with Neo4j and Apache Zeppelin, by Andrea Santurbano
- Extreme connectivity: EAs need enterprise graphs, by Tim O’Neill
- Disambiguation with Neo4j: a thought experiment – Part Two, by Iian Neill
- NCAA Championship Bracket Recommendation Engine, by Kevin Van Gundy
- Discover Relationships in Data with a Graph Database, by Scott Etkin
- Docker for Mac and Windows Beta: the simplest way to use Docker on your laptop, by Patrick Chanezon
- Clearing the Air for 5G Wireless
- NHS Debate on Twitter, by John Swain
- Setting Up Neo4j on Azure VM, by RJ Dudley
- Using PhoneGraph to build trust in a B2B market, by Team BroEx
- Twitterbot in R and Neo4j – Text Mining and Pattern Matching (Part 3/3), by Oliver Frost
- Insurance Fraud Investigation using Linkurious, by Jean Villedieu
- Securing Neo4j with GraphAware Enterprise, by Michael Bachman
- Twitterbot in R and Neo4j – Text Mining and Pattern Matching (Part 3/3), by Oliver Frost
- Artfinder: “We are in many ways OkCupid for art”, by Kathryn Cave
- Relationship Direction in Cypher is Important
- Graph Advantage: Identity and Access Management
- systemd Neo4j service on Ubuntu
- Data Validation and Testing Your Graph Data State
- systemd Neo4j service on Ubuntu
- Graph Advantage: Building a Smarter Data Lake
- Getting Acquainted with an Unknown Graph
- When Your Data Is Not a Graph
- Graph Advantage: Network and IT Operations
- Why Connected Data is More Useful
- Thinking in Patterns in Neo4j with Cypher
- Graph Advantage: Interest Feed
- Graph Advantage: Business Recommendation Engines
- Synthetic Identities: Intro to Real-Time Fraud Detection
- Neo4j: A procedure for the SLM clustering algorithm
- Qcon 2016 obviously has a SCHEDULE GRAPH
- The Neo4j Knowledge Graph
- The Neo4j Browser has a BeerGraphGuide
- A Graph Karaoke Salute to Anders
- The BeerGraphGuide in the Neo4j Browser: the making of!
- An easier, better, tastier (!) BeerGraphGuide in the Neo4j Browser!
From Benjamin Nussbaum at GraphGrid:
From Rik Van Bruggen:
Podcasts and Audio
- Podcast Interview with Clare Zutz and Mark Hand, University of Texas, by Rik Van Bruggen
- Podcast Interview with Brock Tibert, Bentley University, by Rik Van Bruggen
- 3D Visualization for Neo4j, by Ko Fujimura
- How Neo4j Saved my Relationship, by Coraline Ada Ehmke
- Graph Karaoke: Use Me, Bill Withers, by Rik Van Bruggen
Slides and Presentations
- Webinar Replay: Creating a PageRank Analytics Platform Using Spring Boot Microservices, by Kenny Bastani
- Batch and Stream Graph Processing with Apace Flink, by Vasia Kalavri
- Gradoop: Scalable Graph Analytics with Apache Flink @ Flink & Neo4j Meetup Berlin , by Martin Junghanns
- Mixing Agile and Enterprise Metadata Requirements Using Neo4j, by Data to Value Limited
- Graphs for Enterprise Architects, by Jesus Barrasa and Mark Needham
- How to Build an Innovation Engine As A Google for Software, by Stefan Ianta
- Creating the Best Teams Ever with Collaborative Filtering, by Maurits van der Goes
- Analyzing Network Infrastructure with Neo4j, by Ярослав Лукьянов
- Codex Interactive Map Mode, by Iian Neill
- Managing process flows in Prologram / Neo4j, by Tom Zeppenfeldt
- Neo4j as Document Database, by Axel Morgner
- Support Your Users with a Neo4j Recommender System, by Maurits van der Goes
- Graphs and Neo4j: From Hydropower Plants to PCBs, by Hanneli Tavante
- Using Graphs for Hierarchies: Why graph databases matter for Hierarchical data structures, by Rik Van Bruggen
Libraries, GraphGists and Code Repos
- neo4j-jdbc: Neo4j JDBC driver for Neo4j 3.x with BOLT protocol, by LARUS Business Automation
- neo4jFriends.fsx: F# sample for Neo4j – Friends, by Martin Bodocky
- neo4j_sips_models: Neo4j models, for Neo4j.Sips , by Florin Patrascu
-, by Greg Roberts
- CHANGELOG, by Brian Underwood
- Neo4j-expire: GraphAware Module for Expiring (Deleting) Nodes and Relationships, by GraphAware
- buffet-sauce: March Madness Recommendation Engine 2016, by Kevin Van Gundy
- 1_Neo4jFromDbSchemaMetadata.linq, by Jeffrey Miller
- neo4j-spark-connector, by Michael Hunger
- neo4j-apoc-procedures, by Michael Hunger
- initializr: Add Support for Neo4j, by Spring IO
- Relinking, Codified
Want to build cool projects or applications like the ones above? Click below to download Neo4j 3.0 and start using the world’s leading graph database today.