Introducing the Neo4j Stack Overflow Sandbox

COO of SilverLogic
2 min read

Analyze Stack Overflow questions, answers, tags, and users with Neo4j APOC and Graph Data Science

Needing no introduction, Stack Overflow has been a vital part of not just the Neo4j community, but of the global programming community, with millions of questions asked and answered. A long-time Neo4j example dataset, it is very exciting to see Stack Overflow in the Neo4j Sandbox collection.

What Does That Mean For You?
You can dive into the basics of social network analysis of a developer social network without having to download, install, and configure a Neo4j environment, or perform a cumbersome ETL process to use the data. Not only that, but after you open the Stack Overflow project in Neo4j Sandbox, you’ll have an interactive browser guide waiting for you that will help you get started.

A sandbox lasts for three days but can be extended to a maximum of 10 days. As mentioned, once you open the Neo4j Browser, you’ll have the browser guide waiting for you to take you through the data model, a proposed additional import step (in case you need more data), and social network and tag similarity analysis using the optimized Node Similarity algorithm.

By walking through the browser guide, you’ll learn how to use the Cypher query language to explore the data and evaluate overall network information, use Load JSON to explore additional data, use APOC to create virtual graphs of the network, and explore the Graph Data Science algorithms, specifically the Node Similarity algorithm and the Jaccard Similarity algorithms, to compare tags.
If you have some ideas on how to analyze the data that are not included in the guide, you can experiment using the built-in Neo4j Bloom tool to experiment and come up with new insights.

More on Neo4j and Stack Overflow

- Build a StackOverflow GraphQL API & Demo App in 10 Minutes
- TagOverflow – Correlating Tags in Stackoverflow (Neo4j Online Meetup #52)
- Exploring StackOverflow data with Michael Hunger – Twitch stream
Additional Resources
- Node Similarity – Neo4j Graph Data Science
- Load JSON – APOC Documentation
- Jaccard Similarity – Neo4j Graph Data Science
- Virtual Graph – APOC Documentation
Introducing the Neo4j StackOverflow Sandbox was originally published in Neo4j Developer Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.