GraphConnect: A Twitter Recap

Product Marketing Manager, Neo4j
3 min read

GraphConnect 2014 attendees took to twitter to share their excitement about the conference and the graph database space. Here’s a look back at (some of) the cool things that stuck out during the day. For the full twitter feed, search the #GraphConnect hashtag. Thanks again to everyone who came out and made the day such a success. Looking forward now to GraphConnect 2015!
Sketch-Notes on Mix
(Check them all out here: drawing @GraphConnect based on a talk given by our very own @tshanky! #supplychain — Elementum (@ElementumSCM) October 24, 2014
Never seen this before : a sketch of my presentation @GraphConnect 2014 : — Kurt Freytag (@kfreytag) October 24, 2014
My favourite talk summary so far: Monsters eating @emileifrem! #GraphConnect #FiftyThree — Chris Leishman (@cleishm) October 23, 2014
The Graphies
Did you hear? We won a #graphie for #bestCommunityContribution for #alchemyjs! We are so honored! Thanks @GraphConnect #graphsareeverywhere — graphAlchemist (@GraphAlchemist) October 23, 2014
Pitney Bowes wins the coveted Graphie Award at #GraphConnect for innovation in the MDM space. — Navin Sharma (@MDMGuru) October 23, 2014
#Neo4jrb just won “Best Community Contribution” @ #GraphConnect!!! Thank you!! @ronge @cheerfulstoic @neo4jrb @neo4j — chris grigg (@subvertallmedia) October 23, 2014
Look who won an award for ‘Best Community Contribution’ for #alchemyjs at #GraphConnect – @GraphAlchemist did! — Grace Andrews (@GraceEwuraEsi) October 22, 2014
The Talks
What impressed me the most at #GraphConnect was how many diverse game changing solutions are using #neo4j — Roy Bailey (@roybaileybiz) October 23, 2014
Excited 2 learn that #tomtom uses #graphdatabase for map quality analysis using time-series street-network data & Graph Algos #graphconnect — Jitender Aswani (@jaswani) October 22, 2014
Ladies and gentlemen, @jimwebber. #GraphConnect — chris grigg (@subvertallmedia) October 22, 2014
On-Stage Whiskey Deliveries
Volker Pacher of eBay just ordered whiskey during his talk and it arrived as he wrapped up.Sick! #graphconnect #neo4j — Montique Willis (@montiquewillis) October 22, 2014
♥ This is so cool: Buying whiskey on eBay and getting it delivered to the stage 30 minutes later by @shutl powered by @Neo4j #GraphConnect — Svetlana Sicular (@Sve_Sic) October 22, 2014
The People
Enjoyed meeting such a diverse group of people. Feeling privileged to be part of the community. #GraphConnect — Carlos Justiniano (@cjus) October 23, 2014
Had a great time at @GraphConnect. What a great community. Thanks, everyone. — Aseem Kishore (@aseemk) October 23, 2014
The #GraphConnect conference is over. Great day, great talks and now I’m very inspired! — Sam de Freyssinet (@samsoir) October 23, 2014
Another amazing trip to @GraphConnect! @mmarietta @plantimals @emileifrem @springrod — Tim Williamson (@TimWilliate) October 23, 2014
REST in Practice authors representing at #GraphConnect — Jim Webber (@jimwebber) October 22, 2014Want to learn more about graph databases? Click below to get your free copy of O’Reilly’s Graph Databases ebook and discover how to use graph technologies for your application today. Download My Ebook