O’Reilly: Graph tools forge path to new solutions

Greta Workman

Product Marketing Manager, Neo4j

O'Reilly Media graph

O’Reilly recently published an article on their blog highlighting the exciting world of graph databases.

In a highly connected world – where it’s not what you know but whom you know – it makes intuitive sense to arrange our knowledge as nodes and edges… The most modern instantiations of graphs–the Neo4j store and the Alchemy.js tool for interactively visualizing graphs–were well represented this year at O’Reilly’s Open Source convention. Both projects are growing impressively and finding users in domains they didn’t expect. According to Huston Hedinger, Founder and CEO of GraphAlchemist, “Graph visualization can provide insight into information ranging from how communication flows across a social network to where vulnerabilities exist in a supply chain network.”
Graphs were well represented at the O’Reilly-hosted OSCON conference this year in Portland, Oregon. The Neo4j team had a great time answering all of the attendees’ questions about graph databases. Our Developer Evangelists onsite even created the OSCON Twitter graph, mapping the social interactions of conference participants. OSCON Twitter Graph Read more about how graph databases are forging the way to new solutions on the O’Reilly website.