Let’s Go

Emil Eifrem

CEO & Co-Founder, Neo4j, Inc.

So TechCrunch spilled the beans with a nice writeup and the genie is officially out of the bottle: Two weeks ago today, we closed a $2.5M seed stage investment with kickass VC firms Sunstone Capital and Conor Venture Partners.

As our friends and family know, we have danced the wonderful VC dance for a while now. As a matter of fact, we met the Sunstone and Conor teams for the first time over a year ago. During this year we’ve dated regularly — and happily so — but have still not quite been ready to make that final leap from dating to marriage.

Until now. As the interest around the NOSQL space and alternative databases has just *exploded* over the past 3-4 months it’s been increasingly clear to us that we want to and need to accelerate. We fully believe that we’re moving towards what Ben Scofield of Viget Labs describes as a ‘pluralistic approach to storing our data,’ i.e. an architecture where a single application typically works with *multiple* databases, each storing the datasets they’re best for.

In a world where it’s all about choosing the database paradigm that best fits your dataset instead of squeezing everything into the relational database, in that world we believe there’s a huge opportunity for graph databases. With Sunstone and Conor on board, this investment will give us the means to pursue it.