5 Topics You’ll See at GraphConnect

Product Marketing Manager, Neo4j
3 min read

GraphConnect 2014 is packed with talks, presentations, and panels covering topics from all aspects of the graph databases world. Hear from Neo4j customers like UBS, Elementum, and Polyvore; visualization tools like Linkurious, Tom Sawyer and Cambridge Intelligence; graphDB experts like Ian Robinson, Jim Webber and Emil Eifrem; and many more!
Start planning how you’ll spend October 22 on the GraphConnect website, where you can find the full schedule of events and list of speakers. To help you out, here are just five of the topics you’ll hear and talk about at GraphConnect 2014 SF:
Neo4j at Scale
Learn the ins-and-outs of scaling up and out with Neo4j with Ian Robinson, the author of the O’Reilly book Graph Databases. He’ll discuss how to get up and running-at-scale during the From Zero to Graph in 120 series at GraphConnect. Later in the day, Mediahound will discuss how to scale Neo4j for the Enterprise with real customer examples .
Scalability @ GraphConnect
12:00 PM From Zero to Graph in 120: Scale
2:45 PM Neo4j at Scale using Enterprise Integration Patterns
Same Day Delivery with eBay
Before Shutl, now an eBay inc. company, started using Neo4j to power their logistics, the database query alone was taking longer than the delivery itself. Volker Pacher, senior developer at eBay and founder of Shutl, now boasts that they “run the business on seven lines of cypher.” Their shortest delivery time from when order placement to the customer’s doorstep is currently 13 minutes and 57 seconds. Hear how they do it at GraphConnect.
eBay @ GraphConnect
11:30 AM How eBay Delivers Even Faster Using Neo4j
3:15 PM Panel: Graphs for the Enterprise
The Business Graph with CrunchBase

CrunchBase is the world’s most comprehensive dataset of startup activity, storing information on companies, investors, entrepreneurs and more. Using Neo4j, CrunchBase not only allows you access to that data, it allows you access to all the connections inherent within. Join Kurt Freytag, Head of Products and Engineering at CrunchBase, to hear about the implementation and execution of the world’s first Business Graph.
CrunchBase @ GraphConnect
10:15 AM The Business Graph
6:00 PM GraphParty: disCONNECT sponsored by CrunchBase
Next-Gen Master Data Management with Pitney Bowes
Master Data Management is complicated in Enterprise companies, with hundreds of thousands of moving parts, connected in multiple and inconsistent ways. With Neo4j, management of this data becomes streamlined and simplified. Hear how Pitney Bowes, a leading provider of customer communication technologies, is currently using Neo4j to streamline their Master Data Management at GraphConnect.
Pitney Bowes @ GraphConnect
10:45 PM Using Graphs for Next-Gen Master Data Management at Pitney Bowes
Supply Chain Management with Elementum
Supply chain management is often cumbersome and inflexible for enterprise use. Elementum is on a mission to turn the outdated and frustrating systems of the past on their heads with the help of Neo4j. They are pioneering a new way of managing the supply chain using three apps built for all devices. Hear about how Elementum is disrupting the world of Supply Chain Management at GraphConnect.
Elementum @ GraphConnect
1:30 PM Graphing the Supply Chain

GraphConnect is the only conference focusing on the rapidly growing world of graph databases and applications. Learn from hot startups and Global 2000 companies how they use Neo4j to power their businesses. Join over 700 graphistas from around the world to discuss best practices and lessons learned in the San Francisco on October 22, 2014.
For more information and registration, visit www.graphconnect.com.
Want to learn more about graph databases? Click below to get your free copy of O’Reilly’s Graph Databases ebook and discover how to use graph technologies for your application today.