Neo4j Workspace: Available on Aura Free and Professional

Product Marketing – UserTools
3 min read

A great meal is made up of great ingredients prepared by a great chef. Each ingredient won’t be very memorable on its own, but assembled, it changes your perspective of the dish and elevates the overall dining experience.
This is the fundamental principle we’re adopting here at Neo4j. So we’re cooking up something special for anyone new to graph databases who wants to get started, and for our more seasoned users, we have a refreshing update to how you interact with the powerful graph tools Neo4j has to offer.
Rewind back to a few months ago when we introduced Workspace, an early access program for users to experience Neo4j’s new and intuitive interface – the fastest way to learn and get started with graph databases.
How Do I Get Workspace?
Today, we are happy to extend Workspace to everyone who signs up for a Neo4j Aura account for FREE during this early-access period for AuraDB Free and Professional accounts and AuraDS Professional accounts.
But wait, what about Aura Enterprise accounts? Don’t worry, the engineering team is working hard to bring all the Enterprise-level functionality available to Enterprise users via Workspace, so stay tuned!
I already have a Neo4j Aura account but can’t find Workspace anywhere; what gives? For existing users of Neo4j Aura, you’ll need to enable workspace in your profile here:

What Comes With Workspace?
We’re making it easy for developers, data scientists, and data analysts to get started with Neo4j and graph databases by including three essential tools (to start with) in one easy and intuitive user interface:
- Import – for designing your data model, previewing, and importing your data into Neo4j without a single line of code.
- Explore – a powerful graph data visualization tool
- Query – a developer-friendly tool to run Cypher queries against their Neo4j database

With all these powerful graph technology tools available in one environment, Workspace gives you back time to be your productive self without the need to fumble through tabs/applications looking for the right tool; it’s all right there at your fingertips!
But Wait, There’s More!
Not only are you getting your stuff done within Workspace, but we’ve also added helpful guides, also available within Workspace so that new users of Neo4j and graph databases can learn more about the technology through a series of self-guided tutorials/prompts.

If you’re ready to give graph databases and Neo4j a try, there’s no better way than by signing up for a completely free Neo4j Aura account here
We want to hear from you – please share your feedback about Workspace here or navigate to the ‘Send Feedback’ button within Workspace. What other tools should we add to Workspace? What’s working for you? Feeling a little ‘meh’ about it? We want to hear it all, so don’t be shy!

Lastly, if you’re looking to take your skills to the next level with graph technology, please consider going through the Neo4j GraphAcademy program — it’s free, and you’ll get to learn how to build, optimize and launch your first graph project on Neo4j with the help of awesome graph experts.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Nodes in the US celebrating and to everyone else, Happy Graphing!