From the Neo4j Community: December 2016

Managing Editor, Neo4j
2 min read

If you would like to see your post featured in January’s “From the Community” blog post, follow us on Twitter and use the #Neo4j hashtag for your chance to get picked.
Articles and Blog Posts
- Running Neo4j 3.x on Docker, by Big Datums
- 51 enterprise startups to bet your career on in 2017, by Matt Weinberger, Julie Bort and Eugene Kim
- 2016 Ends With a New Release. 2017 Will be Awesome!, by Graphileon
- Connected, by Max De Marzi
Podcasts and Audio
- Podcast Interview with Mouse Reeve, Internet Archive, by Rik Van Bruggen
- Podcast Interview with Emil Eifrem, Neo Technology, by Rik Van Bruggen
- Fabian Yamaguchi – Mining for Bugs with Graph Database Queries, by Fabian Yamaguchi
- Multiple dashboards in Graphileon InterActor 1.0.3, by Tom Zeppenfeldt
Libraries, GraphGists and Code Repos
- bolt: Bolt is a driver for Neo4j’s bolt protocol, by Eric Lagergren
- jetbrains-plugin-graph-database-support: GraphDB Support 2.2.0, by Dmitrijs Vrublevskis
- spring-mvc-angularjs-sample-app: A sample AngularJS /Spring MVC app, by JhadesDev
- ConceptNet to Neo4j, by Tom K Dickinson
- koa-Neo4j: REST for Neo4j made simple – batteries included with built-in role-based authentication via JWT, by Keyvan Sadeghi
- Neo4j: Graphing the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar, by Mark Needham
- Hello World, by Nicole White
- bolt_sips: Neo4j driver for Elixir, wrapped around the Bolt protocol, by Florin Pătraşcu
- liquigraph/liquigraph-spring-boot-starter/, by Michael Vitz
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