From the Neo4j Community: October 2016

Managing Editor, Neo4j
2 min read

If you would like to see your post featured in November’s “From the Community” blog post, follow us on Twitter and use the #Neo4j hashtag for your chance to get picked.
Articles and Blog Posts
- US Presidential Election 2016 – Twitter Analysis, by John Swain
- User Defined Functions in Neo4j 3.1.0-M10, by Michael Hunger
- A Way to Make Big Data Work for Health at Last?, by Gary Flood
- How the 11.5 million Panama Papers were analysed – interview with Mar Cabra, by Roberto V. Zicari
- Neo4j 3.1 promises to make large-scale graph processing easier and more secure, by Maria Deutscher
- A new way to search for data is helping NASA’s biggest brains save millions and get to space faster, by Matt Weinberger
- Representing and querying disease networks using graph databases, by Artem Lysenko, Irina A. Roznovăţ, Mansoor Saqi, Alexander Mazein, Christopher J Rawlings and Charles Auffray
- Crossing the EA Chasm: Marrying Open EA Data with Graph Databases
- Dealing with Neo4J 3.1 BETA gotcha’s, by Paul Jongsma
- Degrees of Rudi Völler – Neo4j Edition
- Catalogs and Hierarchies, by Max De Marzi
- Graph Helper for Character Creation, by Eddie Freeman
- News Feeds, by Max De Marzi
- Docker and Neo4j for Developers Who Can’t Read Good and Want to Do Other Stuff Good Too, by Kevin Van Gundy
- GraphConnect San Francisco 2016 Schedule Graph, by Rik Van Bruggen
Podcasts and Audio
- Podcast Interview with Alessio De Angelis, Whitehall Reply, by Rik Van Bruggen
- Episode 006: Suellen Stringer-Hye and Michael Hunger
- Path Distances, by Tom Zeppenfeldt
Libraries, GraphGists and Code Repos
- neo4j-core 6.1.6, by Andreas Ronge, Chris Grigg, Brian Underwood
- Preview Release for Neo4j 3.1.0-M10 with User Defined Functions, by Michael Hunger
- novacc2016: NoVa Code Camp October 2016, by David Makogon
- graphipedia: Creates a Neo4j graph of Wikipedia links, by Michael Hunger
- Neo4j’s Cypher queries cheatsheet
- jetbrains-plugin-graph-database-support: Graph Databases support for JetBrains family IDEs, by Dmitrijs Vrublevskis
- neo4j-graphql: GraphQL bindings for Neo4j, generates and runs Cypher, by Michael Hunger
- npm-graph: Loading the npm registry into Neo4j graph database for module dependency analysis, by William Lyon
Other Content
- Hetionet in Neo4j — A Newtork of Biology, Disease, and Pharmacology
- graphconnect Twitter NodeXL SNA Map and Report for Wednesday, 19 October 2016 at 18:59, by Marc Smith
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