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Check out this interview with Robert Allison of Kineviz.

Graph Analytics for Business Users: 5-Minute Interview with Robert Allison of Kineviz

I am pleased to share this interview with Robert Allison, Director of Product at Kineviz. Robert has a strong background in software development, engineering, and architecture, which makes it a perfect crossover between art and technology. In this conversation, Robert explains how Kineviz... read more

Learn about our new GraphAcademy course, Cypher Query Tuning in Neo4j 4.0.

New GraphAcademy Course: Cypher Query Tuning in Neo4j 4.0

We have added this new course to our catalog of free online courses – Cypher Query Tuning 4.0. This course is intended for experienced Cypher developers who want to learn about the most important best practices for writing queries that are performant. This course includes hands-on... read more

This Week in Neo4j – AuraDB on Google Cloud Platform, Summer of Nodes: Whodunit – Murder Mystery?, REST API With Django

Hi graph gang, In this week’s video, Michael Hunger gives us a walk through of the Neo4j language drivers. David Allen announces Neo4j AuraDB on GCP, Lju Lazarevic introduces the murder mystery challenge in Summer of Nodes, and Elaine Rosenberg launched a new online training... read more

Bringing Sustainability Science to Life: 5-Minute Interview with Carina Johed

"Our goal is to bridge social ecological sustainability out to the business world and to create a link between what needs to be done and the people trying to solve the problems," said Carina Johed, CTO and co-founder of Planethon, a company whose mission is to create a planet-positive... read more