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This Week in Neo4j – Web Applications with Neo4j and TypeScript, Neo4j Desktop Release, Graph Embeddings Tutorial

Hi graph gang, In this week’s video, Adam Cowley starts a video showing how to build web applications with Neo4j and TypeScript. Stefan Dreverman builds a new module in the low code platform, Rik Van Bruggen explains what Fraud Detection and Contact Tracing have in common, and... read more

The Power of Graph Data Science: 5-Minute Interview with Alicia Frame

"When do you use graph data science? When relationships matter. If there are no relationships among the things you're trying to predict, you probably don't need us, but odds are, there are," said The third use case is around targeted marketing. If I have a message that I want to communicate... read more


Building the Enterprise Knowledge Graph

Retainment and reuse of institutional expertise is the holy grail of knowledge management. Over the years, enterprises have leveraged many generations of knowledge management products in order to retain and reuse knowledge across the enterprise, prevent re-inventing the wheel and improve... read more

Rethink Your Master Data: How Graphs and MDM Intersect

Data is both our most valuable asset and our biggest ongoing challenge. As data grows in volume, variety and complexity, across applications, clouds and siloed systems, traditional ways of working with data no longer work. Increasingly, businesses are recognizing a need to harness all of their... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Flask User Auth, COVID-19: The Effect of the Seasons, GDS Graph Embeddings

Hi graph gang, In this week’s video, Will Lyon introduces GraphQL Architect, a Neo4j Graph App for building and deploying GraphQL APIs. Stefan Dreverman builds the UI-‘engine’ in the low code platform, Rik Van Bruggen explains what Recommender Systems and Contact Tracing... read more