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Rethink Your Master Data: How Graphs and MDM Intersect

Data is both our most valuable asset and our biggest ongoing challenge. As data grows in volume, variety and complexity, across applications, clouds and siloed systems, traditional ways of working with data no longer work. Increasingly, businesses are recognizing a need to harness all of their... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Flask User Auth, COVID-19: The Effect of the Seasons, GDS Graph Embeddings

Hi graph gang, In this week’s video, Will Lyon introduces GraphQL Architect, a Neo4j Graph App for building and deploying GraphQL APIs. Stefan Dreverman builds the UI-‘engine’ in the low code platform, Rik Van Bruggen explains what Recommender Systems and Contact Tracing... read more

Catch this week's GraphCast: A high-level explainer of what a native graph database is in 10 minutes

#GraphCast: What Is a Graph Database in 10 Minutes

Welcome to this week's #GraphCast – our series featuring what you might have missed in Neo4j media from the past fortnight. Last time, our Editor-in-Chief, Bryce Merkl Sasaki, showed us how graph-powered drug discovery and pharmaceutical research helps in the fight against... read more

Learn how to get started with Neo4j Fabric.

Getting Started with Neo4j Fabric

Fabric is a new feature introduced in Neo4j 4.0 and is a way to store and retrieve data in multiple databases. This feature makes it easy to query the data in the same DBMS or multiple DBMS using a single Cypher query. In practical terms, Fabric provides the infrastructure and... read more

Discover what makes Neo4j the #1 graph database.

The Secret Sauce of Neo4j: Modeling and Querying Graphs

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Max De Marzi at GraphConnect New York in September 2018. Presentation Summary Welcome to the world of graphs. If this is one of your first visits and you feel like you don't quite understand what graphs are all about, then continue reading this... read more