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Rethink Your Master Data: The Limits of Relational Databases

Data is both our most valuable asset and our biggest ongoing challenge. As data grows in volume, variety and complexity, across applications, clouds and siloed systems, traditional ways of working with data no longer work. Increasingly, businesses are recognizing a need to harness all of their... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Neo4j 4.1 Released, Modeling Patient Journeys, Developing Instagram Clone

Hi graph gang, In this week’s video, Will Lyon shows how to import spatial data for the GRANDstack Real Estate Search App. Stefan Dreverman explains how to read and write data in the low code platform, Neo4j 4.1 is released, and Amr Khaled showed how to build an Instagram... read more

Graphs Everywhere: 5-Minute Interview with Jean Villedieu, Co-Founder of Linkurious

"What's exciting for me about Neo4j and graphs is the breadth of use cases I see on a daily basis," said Jean Villedieu, co-founder of Linkurious. Linkurious is a graph analytics and visualization startup that helps clients across industries extract key insights from graph data stored in... read more

Learn how data analytics is empowered by graphs.

Missed Connections: A Tale of a Porsche, Paul Newman and a Relational Database

The promise of big data was the ability to apply analytics to data in volumes and complexity not possible before, but the promise was only partially kept. While it quickly became economical to gather big data, making sense of reams of data turned out to be elusive. Among many reasons,... read more

Learn how AstraZeneca is improving patient outcomes using graph visualization and queries.

Improving Patient Outcomes with Graph Algorithms

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Joe Roemer at Connections: Graph Data Science in April 2020. Presentation Summary In this post, AstraZeneca's Senior Director of Global Commercial IT Insight and Analytics Joe Roemer will talk about AstraZeneca's journey, specifically the ways... read more

Discover everything you need to know about Neo4j 4.1 graph database release.

Introducing Neo4j 4.1

Six months ago we proudly released Neo4j 4.0 – by far the most innovative, secure and scalable graph database on the planet. Today, we are proud to announce the new version of our graph database product: Neo4j 4.1. As many could expect, with the release of Neo4j 4.0, we... read more