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Neo4j Certified Professionals Now Get Access to Advanced-Level Virtual Training Sessions

What should happen after you become a Neo4j Certified Professional? You get even better and stronger at Neo4j! This is why we decided to provide our Neo4j Certified Professionals with seven hands-on, advanced virtual training sessions, at no cost, over the course of the year. If you cannot... read more

Learn how ETL tools work, including basics of graph ETL which converts RDBMS to graph databases.

Graph Databases for Beginners: The Basics of Graph ETL

他每天下午都在学校踢球。 Oh, sorry, you didn’t catch that? Unless you read Chinese, it's perfectly normal to be a little confused. No one understands all 6,500 existing languages on earth. Let’s go ahead and translate the sentence into something English speakers can... read more

Graph-Powered Recommendations: How Smart Recommendations Drive Value

Recommendation engines have become a crucial component of modern sales, finance, logistics and human resources applications. This core need has triggered a shift from relational and big-data approaches to graph-based technologies that are purpose-built to handle the rigorous demands of real-time... read more

Learn about social knowledge graphs to improve remote collaboration.

#GraphCast: How a Social Knowledge Graph Improves Remote Collaboration

Welcome to this week's #GraphCast – our series featuring what you might have missed in Neo4j media from the past fortnight. Last time, our Managing Editor, Jocelyn Hoppa, shared Getting Started with the Arrows Tool which walked us through the fundamentals of data modeling for your graph... read more

Learn about practical applications of Neo4j 4.0.

Practical Applications of Neo4j 4.0

GraphTour Europe 2020 started in Amsterdam on February 4, right after the release of Neo4j 4.0, a key milestone in the graph technology landscape. At GraphAware, we are very excited about the new features included in this release because they revolutionize the way we approach some common graph... read more