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This Week in Neo4j – Reducing visualization complexity, BloodHound 3.0, Gene Regulation Graph Database, Pokemon Day, 4.0 Webinar, GraphTour Europe developer campfire talks

Greetings graphistas! I’m taking on the newsletter batton from Jennifer this week whilst Mark Needham is enjoying his well-earned break. In this week’s edition we learn from Jan Zek a powerful yet simple approach for reducing complexity when visualizing graph data. Bloodhound... read more

Relationships Mean Retention: The 5-Minute Interview with Realogy’s Neerav Vyas

"Neo4j really helps us to truly understand the ecosystem and get a human-centered view of our business," said Neerav Vyas, Head of Analytics at Realogy Holdings. Realogy Holdings, the world's largest real estate company, benefits from using Neo4j in a number of ways, from customer... read more

Learn about performant queries on highly connected data.

Performant Queries on Highly Connected, Growing Data

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Michael Wytock at GraphConnect New York in September 2018. At the time Wytock gave this talk, he was the CEO of Coshx Labs, a distributed software consultancy based out of Charlottesville, Virginia. Presentation Summary Querying dense,... read more

Learn about sharding the LBDC social network.

Sharding the LDBC Social Network

With the release of Neo4j 4.0 comes an exciting new feature, called Neo4j Fabric. The operational principle of Neo4j Fabric is in essence quite simple - it provides a way to issue Cypher queries that target more than one Neo4j graph database at once. This capability can be used in a number of... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Halin Monitoring, Analyzing CodeMotion Data, Exploring GGCD Graph, Clojure Release, and More 4.0

Hi, fellow nodes! I am stepping in this week for our wonderful curator, Mark Needham. We know this week’s Twin4j just won’t be the same without him, but we’ll do our best. :) In this edition, David Allen gives us a behind-the-scenes look on the monitoring tool Halin and how to... read more